Optimizing your membership program

Running a membership program comes with a lot of moving parts and responsibility. With traditional membership cards you may be spending more than you think. As the world goes digital, find out what type of ROI (return on investment) you can expect by offering your members digital membership cards.

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Member Base

How many members do you have today?

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Membership Price

What is the average cost of your membership?

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Card Production Cost

What is your cost to produce each membership card?

The costs related to paper, plastic, envelopes, and printing add up quickly.


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How much do you spend on mailing cards?

You can expect to pay $0.15 to mail a physical card for each member.


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Staff Labor

What is the average hourly wage for your membership staff?

Labor costs include membership card handling and event marketing.


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Promotional, Renewal, and Mailing Materials

How much do you spend on membership marketing?

You can expect to pay up to $15.00 per member per year for creating and mailing promotional marketing materials.


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Annual Membership Churn Rate

What percentage of members do not renew?

You can expect an 18% churn rate even with existing promotional materials and mailings.



Over 1 Year

Total Saved Costs


Total Saved Time

2500 hours

Total Carbon Footprint Reduced

463 lbs CO2

Renewal Rate Increase

With a 1% increase due to our digital membership cards that's a revenue increase of


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